Published: December 4, 2017

Publisher: Huffington Post

“Last month the iPhone X, a $999-$1149.99 smartphone commemorating 10 years of the iPhone became available; and while 5G technology is on the horizon it isn’t quite ready for Apple’s newest products. The conventional understanding is that 5G will roll out by 2019, but one big mobile companies’ adversarial relationship with the rest of the industry could threaten this emergence.

Earlier this year Apple sued Qualcomm alleging they had been overcharged for access to Qualcomm’s standards essential patents (SEPs) on mobile chips. SEPs are patents that must be integrated into a product if that product complies with a technical standard, like 5G. Therefore, holders of SEPs are required to license their technology under the fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory (FRAND) terms – this promotes innovation by allowing essential patents to be reasonably accessible to all companies.”

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